“Tea Party” could be regarded as a Tea Culture/Tea Lifestyle all inclusive of production design. We placed an importance on the aesthetics of the performance, by crossing different design fields with graphic, space, product, furniture, fashion, music and dancing. Under the atmospheric influence of the five senses, to be implemented with a stronger sense of “existence” within the sweetness of everyday life and sipping experience.
2012「Tea Party I慢‧漫」跨界多種創作領域,是一場結合傳統與時尚的茶文化展演,橫跨亞洲,遠至法國,展開五十多場的巡演,更榮獲2013年亞洲最具影響力設計獎金獎、2014德國iF傳達設計等多項設計大獎。2015年,Tea Party II《混得好in the mix》承襲其理念,企圖創作出一個更當代的亞洲茶文化新觀點,《in the mix》是來自時下歐美流行語的發想,"Are you in the mix tonight?”為年輕族群間邀約參加派對的口頭語,意圖將新的觀點將茶文化融入年輕世代的生活中,達到傳承的目的。這場展演融合東方與西方、傳統與現代、虛擬與現實,企圖反映出一種無國界,跨文化,跨領域的時代精神。
Tea Party II attempts to give a novel, contemporary perspective on tea cultures in Asia. From a cultural standpoint, Eastern tea arts are combined with Western mixology, while integrating visual, interactive, technological, design, fashion, and spatial elements from various fields in a large-scale crossover cooperative effort.