陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio

“creating every piece of work with artistic mood, professional know-how and practical consideration”

「以藝術的情懷,專業的素養,實用的考量,創造每一件作品」 其初衷即著眼於對使用者生活之美的關心與「在乎」;陶作坊的作品,首重人因工學的執握力度,考究工法和用途間的琢磨,每一分毫的取捨,都在乎握執的人,那一秒鐘的接觸感,作品造型線條取決於當代簡約美感,形象輪廓間承襲時代雅致意境,厚植的文化底蘊,讓茶具有了返古今用的韻味,喝茶入口的瞬間,滿足靈性與玩物的結合。 ​

The original ambition was to care for the beauty of the life of every user. The works of Lin’s Ceramics Studio are primarily focused on users’ ergonomic approach to the products, which means the balance between craftsmanship and usage is carefully considered and every design decision is made with an eye on how people hold and feel the object. The contour of each product features contemporary simple aesthetics. The shape of each product inherits epochal elegance. Deep-rooted cultural heritage gives the tea sets a retro feeling. The unification of spirituality and amateurism is fulfilled at the moment the tea touches the mouth.

漱石(茶具組) / The River Stone Tea Set  

Awarded the Gold Point Design Medal for the Product Design Category in 2013

2012年陶作坊透過文創跨界合作,以Tea Party《慢‧漫》為主題,讓跨界設計的獨特詮釋,將茶文化轉換成時尚語彙,展現所有可能與演繹;而Tea Party《慢‧漫》開發新概念茶具組合「漱石茶器組」整體的意象來自「水」元素,造型概念則來自於對於溪石的觀察:設計師以鏤空的外殼,來表達水流穿越過孔竅後產生的虛實趣味,並以時尚手法搭配偏古典的墨色老岩泥內膽,表達從傳統中重新出發的茶文化。

In 2012, Lin’s Ceramics Studio collaborated with different cultural and creative industries to transform tea culture into a fashionable concept by setting the Tea Party theme as “Slow. Flow” and using a unique cross-boundary design interpretation. The overall image of the newly developed idea, “The River Stone Tea Set”, came from the element of “water”, while the concept for the shape emerged from the observation of river stones. The designers express the fun of the water flowing through holes by hollowing the shell. At the same time, they want to show a tea culture reborn from the foundation of tradition by adding an inner lining of a classical ink color using a fashionable method.​

陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
​玄機(茶具組) Hsuan-Chi​​ Tea Set
「玄機」是陶作坊囊括生活之美,集結精湛匠藝與當代設計,打造壺、海、杯等茶席大作。有如《易經》裡寫天地繁育萬物,事物渾然一體,內蘊奧妙之機。 壺、杯等造型灌注燈籠果,輕靈、含蓄,聞香杯與茶則線條如花形般的流暢,展現夏季生機無限的美好,燈籠造型自古寓意祥吉,祝願人生以茶相聚,歡欣福至。 老岩泥材質適合全發酵、後發酵的茶品,軟化水質去除培火燥味,使茶湯更甘醇順喉。
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio
陶作坊 / Lin’s Ceramics Studio