陶瓷博物館 / Yingge Ceramics Museum

陶瓷博物館 / Yingge Ceramics Museum

鶯歌陶瓷博物館   Yingge Ceramics Museum 全國首座現代化陶瓷博物館,匯集產、官、學界智慧結晶,高舉著鶯歌永不熄滅的窯火華光,展現出風爐、陶土、釉彩交融的秀麗,寄望將臺灣陶藝之美遠播國際。

​This is the first modern ceramic museum, and a confluence of the efforts of industry, government and academia. The glittering light of the Yinnge kiln fire that never goes out will be held up high, showing a beautiful blend of a wind stove, clay and ceramic glaze. It is hoped that the museum will bring the beauty of Taiwanese ceramics to global attention.​

陶瓷博物館 / Yingge Ceramics Museum
陶瓷博物館 / Yingge Ceramics Museum
陶瓷博物館 / Yingge Ceramics Museum