​琉園 / tittot moment

Opening up the world of Chinese crystal glass
1994年,王永山與一群熱愛琉璃藝術的夥伴,抱持著「打開華人水晶玻璃世界」的夢想,創立了「tittot琉園」。 「tittot」是中文「剔透」的諧音,「剔」蕪存菁、通「透」明亮,是中國文化對人、事、物最極致的讚嘆。
​In 1994, Wang Yongshan, along with a group of glass art lovers, established “tittot Moment” with the dream of “opening up the world of Chinese crystal glass”. "Tittot" is a word play on two Chinese characters “剔ti” and “透to”, which respectively mean “purification” and “transparency”. Both characters epitomize the ultimate admiration of people, events and objects in Chinese culture.​
酒器系列 / wine glass series
玄關桌 / Entrance table
琉園 : tittot moment14