返校日計畫 / Homecoming

返校日計畫 / Homecoming

時間:2013 地點:羅東文化工場 以前,返校是一種規定。現在,返校是一種精神。隨著林業沒落,太平山小學撤校至今已近40年。返校日計畫,嘗試凝聚失散的老校友們匯聚創作,延續過往太平林場的點滴回憶。

In the past, going back to school was a requirement. Now, going back to school is a kind of spirit. With the decline of forestry, Taipingshan Elementary School has been abolished for nearly 40 years. The program “Homecoming” is an attempt to gather together old alumni who have not seen each other for a long time and to continue the old memories of the Taipingshan Forest Farm.

返校日計畫 / Homecoming


Taipingshan Forest Farm began logging in 1915 and continued throughout Japanese colonial rule and the end of the Second World War up to the present day. It can be said that Taipingshan Forest Farm amounts to a concise history of Taiwanese forestry. However, everything that Taipingshan Forest Farm used to have has been disappearing in the torrent of the times.

返校日計畫 / Homecoming
返校日計畫 / Homecoming
返校日計畫 / Homecoming


Many years after the closure of the Taipingshan Forest Farm, we searched for the memories of the children of Taiping Mountain and reunited the alumni of Taipingshan Elementary School. In order to revive the unforgettable memories of these elders of the forest farm, we organized a day for them to go back to the school after nearly 40 years. This is the program “Homecoming”

返校日計畫 / Homecoming
返校日計畫 / Homecoming