作繭計畫 / Cocoon Plan

cocoon plan
cocoon plan
設計師:王俊隆  /  工藝師:陳高明 + 蠶寶寶 ​協力廠商:泉明生態教育蠶業農場 Design- Rock.Wang   Bamboo Artist- CHEN, KAO-MING
台灣很特別的童年記憶,農村裡常將快吐絲的蠶放在舊斗笠的骨架上,因為沒有可以著繭的角落,最後蠶只能吐成平面繭,一層一層的包覆斗笠,最後形成防水耐用的蠶絲斗笠。 運用這個概念設計成一系列的蠶絲包覆產品,以期將此獨特的概念完整呈現。 點、線、面,設計師是點(出發點,觀點),工藝師做線(結構),蠶寶寶做面(表面處理),跨3個領域合作這個”有機設計”。 ​ ​ ​ ​
品項: 1.椅子  2.燈具  3.花器   工藝項目:竹編 材質選擇:竹編+天然蠶絲 Items: 1. Chair 2. Lamp 3. Flower Type of craft: bamboo weaving Material selection: woven bamboo + natural silk
Placing silkworms that are about to build a cocoon on an old bamboo hat is a very special childhood memory for many Taiwanese from rural areas. Lacking a corner in which to build a cocoon, silkworms can only spin on the flat surface, making layers of silk that cover the bamboo hat and turn it into a water-resistant and durable silk one.  Utilizing this idea, we designed a series of products covered by silk in the hope of presenting this unique idea fully.  Point, line and face. Designers started from a point, which symbolizes a starting point or a viewpoint, artisans constructed “lines”, which form the structure of the work, and silkworms completed the face, the surface treatment. This is an “organic design” that spans three fields.
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan
cocoon plan