品項: 1.椅子 2.燈具 3.花器
Items: 1. Chair 2. Lamp 3. Flower
Type of craft: bamboo weaving
Material selection: woven bamboo + natural silk
Placing silkworms that are about to build a cocoon on an old bamboo hat is a very special childhood memory for many Taiwanese from rural areas. Lacking a corner in which to build a cocoon, silkworms can only spin on the flat surface, making layers of silk that cover the bamboo hat and turn it into a water-resistant and durable silk one.
Utilizing this idea, we designed a series of products covered by silk in the hope of presenting this unique idea fully.
Point, line and face. Designers started from a point, which symbolizes a starting point or a viewpoint, artisans constructed “lines”, which form the structure of the work, and silkworms completed the face, the surface treatment. This is an “organic design” that spans three fields.