砌磚計畫 / Brick Plan

brick plan
Red brick is the most common building material in Taiwan and a unique culture of red brick has formed out of extensive usage. From the Presidential Office Building in Taipei to the Hokkien style villages in Kinmen, the culture of red brick is easily seen everywhere. Even though red brick is not a native material, it has become a special part of the identity of Taiwan following widespread use. ​
brick plan
brick plan
brick plan
brick plan
紅磚是台灣的最常見的建築素材,因為大量的使用而形成獨特的紅磚文化;從台北的總統府到金門的閩式部落,到處都可以看到紅磚文化的影子,雖然並非台灣原生的材質,但是廣泛的應用下,已經成為一種特殊的識別。 老紅磚牆越來越少,我希望藉以保留越來越少的紅磚記憶,讓老磚牆的終點,成為新設計的起點這個設計嘗試重新定義這個平凡的素材,利用石雕的工藝技巧將老舊的紅磚牆,重新切割拋光成獨特的質感;而紅磚獨特的排列組合,有趣的轉化成具有現代感的抽象圖騰。
Red brick is the most common building material in Taiwan and a unique culture of red brick has formed out of extensive usage. From the Presidential Office Building in Taipei to the Hokkien style villages in Kinmen, the culture of red brick is easily seen everywhere. Even though red brick is not a native material, it has become a special part of the identity of Taiwan following widespread use. ​ However, the number of red brick walls has significantly declined. We hope to preserve the memory of the gradually decreasing phenomenon and make the end of red brick walls a starting point for new design. This design attempts to redefine the ordinary material. Using a stone carving technique, we cut and polish red brick walls again to present them in a distinct texture. The unique permutations and combinations of red brick walls transform into an abstract totem with a sense of modernity and fascination.

brick plan
brick plan
brick plan
brick plan
brick plan
brick plan
brick plan
brick plan
brick plan